Romans 8:25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

So Sad.. :(

So I finished the book ya'll. It was fantastic!!!! But, now I'm sad because it's done... :( I actually finished on Wednesday night. Yeah....I admit, I'm a speed reader. But the real reason I'm sad is that my stack of "books to read" has dwindled down to 2 books that I've already read. I know! I have a serious addiction! But anyway, the book was really good. In fact I would recommend anything by Susan May Warren at this point! Everything I've read of hers has been the kind of book that you wait and wait and wait for it to come out, and then you just inhale it when it comes! I mean, you finish it in one sitting 'cause you can't put it down type thing going on! So anyways, I was going to do a review, but I really don't want to give anymore away than I already have. So go buy it, borrow it, come visit me and I'll let you read it.... :)


? said...

Interesting blog and I love the interest in coffee?
It is my first visit although I would like to be able to find my way back here...
Best wishes

Cara Putman said...

Hey, Jessica. Send me your snail mail and I'll send you a book. It could be one of mine or one of the many I've accumulated. A depleted to be read pile is a serious problem! LOL

Cara Putman
cara at caraputman dot com

PS I loved reading your bio. Your heart rocks! And God will do it -- just wait for Him. Now to go get some sweet tea and start writing