Romans 8:25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hey Ya'll!

So I figured it was time to start this up. If for nothing else but to chronicle my experiences through this season of my life! So for those of you who know me, you know that I will probably never stay on subject, post rather random things, and have far too many "blonde" moments! For those of you who don't know me, be assured it's endearing in person! (or so I've been told) :) Most of ya'll know my story, and what a rollercoaster my life has been. So the last 4 years has been a struggle in dealing with what the rest of the world craves- stability and predictability. Monotonous and boring to someone who has never lived in one house longer than about 3 years! But God has been teaching me to be content during this time and I'm trying to accept the lesson! So I'm going to leave you with a verse from Lamentations that I found today. Enjoy! And BTW.... Welcome to my blog! :)
Lamentations 3:26
It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord.


shauna said...

Yah!!!! I'm so glad you started a blog. I was just wishing the other day that you would. You need to send me the address of this so I can put it on my blog list. Love ya girl!

shauna said...

never mind,I found the address, now I'll see when you post new stuff :)

Jessica said...

hey! i was going to send you a note, but I've just now got back on a computer since i created it!! glad you found it and praying super hard for ya'll!