Romans 8:25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Serious Addiction

Can you tell I have a problem??? :) Do I even have to mention these all came today in one shipment??? Or the fact that I had three others in my purse??? Or that I know all of the local mail staff by name, and they know me, and know what is in the box or envelope before asking?? I just cling to the fact that there are worse things to be addicted to, and thru the help of an awesome bonus program at work, (which has just been discontinued... grrr) and, I no longer spend all my money on books! :)

My other addiction.... crocheting! I've been keeping my hands busy while watching TV.... See? Watching TV can be productive! :) I just love when it actually starts to look like a blanket, or whatever I'm making.. :)

Just had to share my happy moments with you! Have a good weekend!


Anonymous said... are addicted:)Your blanket is really pretty...I wish I could mix colors and do fancy stuff.....

shauna said...

I totally understand the reading addiction. Mine is Beverly Lewis. I read and re-read over and over. I wish I could crochet at all!!! If you come down here maybe you could give me a few lessons???

Jessica said...

I would love yo give ya'll lessons! It was sooo easy to learn. :) Shauna, when you come up here you will truly see the extent of the addiction.... a whole room... :)