Yay! It's a new year! Full of promise , exciting, who knows what will happen? Could be good, could be bad. Whatever it holds, I'm looking forward to it. Looking back, I have had a pretty decent year actually. So this year I am resolving to:

Become an Actress! Jk :) But I do resolve to have more fun, do more things "just because", and overall just enjoy my life! Why should we spend all our time stressing out about things we can't control? As the song says "Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think" I really think it helped me get thru last year. I went on 3, count em, 3 vacations! And I needed every one. By the way the pic is of me on vacation last January in my starring role as Sandie Dessert! :)

I also resolve to go out of my way to make time for friends, and make new friends, and visit old friends, and get them to visit me... hint, hint. :) God has truly blessed me this year in the friend department. I started the year pretty depressed at my lack of friends in the area, and of having lost contact with those out of the area. But, God heard me complaining and sent answers in the most creative ways!
1. Becci introduced me to Facebook, where I have connected with people I haven't heard from in 10 years!
2. Shauna introduced me to the blogosphere, and now I know all about you guys.... :)
3. Becci's best friend from college graduated, moved home, and got a job. Did I mention she's my age and needed a friend?? :) Isn't God great?
BTW the pic is of Andrea, above mentioned friend. :)

I also resolve to cook more..... yeah, Mom! I know you'll help me out with that one! I have always loved baking, but Mom pushed me out of my comfort zone and actually has me cooking. And you know what? I actually like it! And I learned I can fry a mean chicken! Thanks Paula Deen! :) Above see the apple pie that was really good and that I now have to make for Pat next time I see her......

And lastly I resolve to enjoy my kiddos! I know! Not a hard one! But, even when I'm burnt out, and stressed , and sick, I'm going to give them my best. I have a hand in shaping their lives, and I don't want to fail them. Yes, I know, Sunday School is 1 hour every week. But, I had Sunday School teachers who have influenced me and their effect is still being seen. Pic is of me and Zechy, my buddy and class clown/smarty pants. (too smart this kid... learned to read and shocked me out of my wits by
reading his memory verse! I never would have caught on, but it was a new verse we hadn't learned. :) Did I mention he's autistic?)
So, to all you out there in cyberland, Happy New Year! May God bless you, and may you allow Him to guide your paths this year.
That's right, where's my pie???? JK ha Thanks for mentioning me though. At least I know you are thinking of me! : ) Happy New Year! Missed getting to see you!!
Happy new year! Good luck on keeping those resolutions! Now to help you out Daniel's family and mine were thinking about taking a vaca together (remember how our families did?) we should go see ya'll. ttyl Love you gurl!
Yay! Come see me!!!! Really! I will give you the grand tour! I promise! :)
ok, so we're having a really great time with your family here...but it would be way greater if you were here too. I'm glad your friend has moved closer. I've learned if you have one good friend nearby everything is o.k. (and you also have all of us on the blogosphere)
Luv ya,
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