Romans 8:25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Decisions, Decisions....

So, I need ya'll to pray with me about some stuff.
I just made a rather important decision, and now I just need to be patient and trust God to work it out! As we all know, patience and waiting are not my strong points! Come to think of it, having things out of my hands is pretty nerve wracking for this control freak too! :) So now ya'll are wondering what I decided, huh?? :)
Well, I knew right off when I lost my job that God was preparing me to move. I just had no idea how that was going to work! I didn't know how I was going to afford living on my own, where I was going to move, what kind of job I was going to get, or even when I was going to move! Don't ya just love how God does that?? It's truly a step of faith without knowing what is next!
So, I've committed to this whole process and told God wherever He wanted me to be, I'll be. I'm still not quite sure when this move is taking place, but I'm pretty sure on the where. I'm also getting settled on the what I'm going to do. That's the hardest part for me, but I've really been praying about it, and looking at all the opportunities out there. The one thing that I kept coming back to required school. I have never wanted to go to college, but it appears more and more that that is the direction that God is leading right now.
So in the totally awesome way that God works, the field I'm interested in has just been named as one of the fastest growing with an expected 35% growth in the next 7 years, even with everything going on in the economy! Talk about job security!
So, today I started the process for picking an online school. I'm expecting all kinds of phone calls and information packages in the next little while.
Just pray that I'll stay completely reliant on God while making these decisions, and that I'll not worry about the details that I can't control.
Pray that I'll choose the right school, and that I'll know exactly where to make the budget cuts to afford it! :)
Thanks so much for all the support and prayers! It means more than you can ever know.
I'll keep ya'll updated..... :)


shauna said...

Hey girl,
I know it's kinda nerve wracking, yet it's gotta be exciting to be making these choices that will move your life in a different direction. I know you're not in a hurry to share all yet, but when you're ready I want to know more!!! I will definitely be praying, and as I've always found in my own life God will work it all out and in awesome ways too.
Luv ya.

momof5girls said...

Just remember the happiest and safest place to be is in the center of God's will. Sounds like you've already submitted to that so just sit back and watch Him "work all things for your good." I know it's hard, but when the devil sends those firey darts of worry, just ask the Lord, continually, to help you be faithful to trust Him as He has always been faithful to provide and care for us.
I love you and am very proud of the young woman you have grown into and am anxiously awaiting to see what good things God has in store for you.