Romans 8:25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Confronting Fears, A Recipe, and Other Random Thoughts!

So I like to think of myself of fearless..... I truly would try anything at least once! I am a HUGE thrillseeker! So imagine my shock on Saturday when I was brought face to face with the realization that I have a huge aversion to raw meat!
Ok, so I will admit that I have not liked to touch raw meat for a very long time, but Saturday I realized just how much it freaks me out! I always look for a way to not touch the meat when I'm cooking.... I'm very adept at using forks! :) But on Saturday we were making sausage cheese balls, no matter how much I tried I couldn't get them to mix! So I had to plunge my hands into the meat.... *shudder* It took mom forever to talk me into it, but I did do it!!! (Aren't you proud of me??)
But thru all this I did figure out where the aversion comes from. It's getting the meat under my nails! yuck!
So anyways... the Sausage Cheeseballs came out splendidly! yummy!!!! And for those of you who can only think "Wow! Sausage Cheeseballs sound good!" Here's the recipe!

Sausage Cheeseballs

2 lbs. (32 oz) sausage, uncooked
1 1/2 cups all-purpose baking/biscuit mix
16 oz. Sharp cheddar cheese (or 4 cups shredded)
1/2 cup finely chopped onion
1/2 cup finely chopped celery (I use about 1/4 teaspoon celery seed instead)
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder (I use minced garlic)

Preheat oven to 375*. Shred Cheese and mix all ingredients. Form into 1" balls. Bake 15 minutes on ungreased cookie sheet until golden brown. Makes about 6 dozen. Balls can be frozen uncooked.
I always grease the cookie sheet, because they tend to stick. You have to experiment though and it depends on the sausage you use.

In other random thoughts... Becci has made it home safely. Summer has started to come to New Jersey... Finally!! :) The job search is okay... And Vacation is 11 days away!!!! Yay! We just have a ton to do between now and then! :) Hope ya'll have a great holiday!!


Anonymous said...

mmmmmm.Those sound good,minus the onions of course.Have fun on your vacation.I am still waiting to see pictures from your first trip to florida!

Jessica said...

I know!!! I have to get dad to upload the pics and then get on his computer to post them so.... it could be a while! :)If you go to Becci's blog you can see some of them. She posted her Graduation thru pics... :)

shauna said...

I still have to wear gloves if I'm messing with meat... and Jeremy has to go to my mom's if he wants meatloaf. Raw meat totally grosses me out, and that's even when I'm not pregnant.