Romans 8:25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

4 Months in Pictures!

I am not dead!! I promise! I was woefully neglectful of ya'll though, and I apologize! I will try to be better this year! If I am not you can always visit my sister's blog because she actually gets internet at school.
We are going to work backwards because I can't figure an easy way to reverse them.... :)

New Years Day my sis suprised me with a trip to Daytona!!!!!!!

Can you tell I'm excited???

Christmas Day with the Senn Family! (and Mickey....)

Yes, we were at Disney World for Christmas week, my birthday and New Years! This is a glimpse of the AWESOME fireworks display on Christmas day.

Christmas Dinner! Can you say Yummy????

Happy Birthday to me!!!!

Awwww!!! 23 years later!!!! (must find that original pic...)

Becci, Mom and Me!

The Fab Four at Christmas Lights! One of the highlights of the Christmas season at PCC. They have an outdoor concert and light all the Christmas lights on campus at the end. I waited 4 1/2 hours in the bitter cold to save our awesome seats! I'm still cold guys.....
John Andrews, Me, Josh Bankston, Becci

Fine Arts and 3 of the Fab Four in their natural state.... Yes... John has that look quite often! ;)
Becci, John Andrews, Josh Bankston

Fine Arts again! Becci and Me! (apparently no one recognizes us in this pic....)

My answered prayer!!!!

Dawn's Senior recital!!! She did an awesome job!
Me, Dawn Watson, Becci

Greek Rush..... A rite of passage I had missed before and have now experienced. Thank God that's over!!! LOL
Me and a VERY short Cougar..... (John Andrews, the little brother)

Thanks for all the prayers ya'll! I had a wonderful first semester and made some awesome friends. More about that later! Love to all!!!
PS..... I GOT STRAIGHT A'S!!!! 4.0 and the President's List!!!! Whooo Hoooo!!!


shauna said...

O.k., so you have been a blogging slacker, but since you have a 4.0 I guess we can forgive you :)
Life sure has gotten busy for you hasn't it? I'm glad you've been having all kinds of fun and that we get to see y'all every now and then.
Love ya!!!

shauna said...

Oh, and your hair looks so different in that one picture (where it's curled) that's probably why people don't recognize you

Anonymous said...

4.0!that is really this semester you should try for that AND blogging atleast once a week:)

shauna said...

Jennifer really believes in you!!!

The Huffs said...

girl, you look like you are having so much fun! congrats on your 4.0, that is awesome!

Stephanie said...

I don't know you but I went to school at PCC a long time ago. I'm sure it's on your blog somewhere, but I could tell by the picture of the chinese lady in the background. I hope you're enjoying it--your pictures are great!