Have you ever wished for something really hard, knowing that it will *never* happen, but you still want it very much so you pray for it??? "It will never happen" you say, but it gets put on a list in the back of your mind. It gets to be a list of "impossible dreams" really! And then, have you ever looked back on that list and realized just how many prayers were answered off that list??? And most of them in the most unusual/creative ways! And then you get convicted for not believing that with God NOTHING is impossible! We know it as a truth, we quote the verse, we have the head knowledge. As the preacher said on Sunday "we believe in it, but we haven't really believed on it".
Well, this year has been like that for me. I had a list of prayer requests like that at the beginning of the year. Things I wanted, but knew they were next to impossible to get. They ranged from wanting to be there when a best friends first child (a miracle child that I have prayed for for a very long time) born, to spending more time with family, and many things in between. As I sit here waiting for the school year to start, I've had the opportunity to go over my list. I was shocked to find almost every prayer was answered! (I know.... not believing on again!) But, imagine my shock when I realized that 1 event enabled every single prayer to be answered!
Sometimes when you go thru something awful, you are tempted to question "Why me God?? What did I do wrong??" Never realizing that God is actually using something bad to work miracles! I lost my job earlier this year. It was a horrible situation that caused a lot of pain. And right here I want to thank all of you who believed in me, and have been such an encouragement to me, and never let me doubt that God was working, even if we couldn't see. So, from something as bad as this, God answered the "impossible dream" prayer list! Yes, that's right! I lost my job, and as a result almost everything on the list became possible! God works in Mysterious ways! LOL
Because I lost my job, I got to stay at home and spend the summer with my family. I got to be a daily part of their ministry again, something that I hadn't been able to do in 4 1/2 years.
Because I lost my job, I was able to visit a dear friend in a burn center in another state right after her accident. It was such a blessing to be there and see God's hand!
Because I lost my job, I got to be at the hospital to see the miracle baby minutes after he was born!
Because I lost my job, I am going to school next week to get my degree. I will walk with my sister in the graduation ceremony! (Her with her Master's, me with my Associates)
Because I lost my job, God moved me to where I have been begging Him to move me for years!
The list goes on and on! And all because of 1 event that most people would say that no good could come from. I can't wait to see what happens next! So when you wish you could do something, Stop Wishing! Start Praying!! You might be surprised at how God works!
P.S. I have an appeal hearing over the phone on Wednesday morning concerning my job and unemployment. PLEASE keep me in your prayers that day! It will be my 2nd day of school and I am already a basket case. I just want to put it all behind me, but it refuses to stay there. :)